Sellers on average have between 40 and 50 interested candidates, but less than 10% of these potential buyers are qualified and ready. With so much interest and competition for practices, if you are serious about adding acquisition or mergers to your growth strategy, it is important to ensure you are prepared, organized, and committed.
Given industry demographics and projections for the financial services industry, advisors looking for an exit are out there, and the number will only continue to increase every year. The following checklists are designed to help ensure you have a robust set of marketing channels being leveraged, that you are deploying your strategy consistently, and that you have the infrastructure in place to close the deals as you build your pipeline.
Created by RIA M&A experts and divided into three parts, these checklists cover the three initial stages of your acquisition strategy, starting with preparing internally, deciding on your seller marketing goals and strategy, and finally tangible recommended sourcing strategies.