Grow Your business in 2023
The value of financial service practices has continued to incrementally increase, year-over-year, since the early 2000s.
While most advisors are aware of the industry average multiples of revenue for buying and selling practices (for 2019, the average recurring multiple reached a new high of 2.72 and a low of .88 on transactional), few know that that range of values received by sellers ranges consistently between 1.5 and 3.5.
Every practice is unique, and those unique elements are why there is such a range of values.
Understanding the key drivers and detractors of value for financial service practices is critical to managing your most valuable asset – your book of business.
This e-book will help you understand:
- How financial service practice are typically valued
- Four indexes of value SRG looks at when valuing a book of business
- Seven metrics that you should be aware of and monitor to ensure you receive the best value for your business
Interested in learning more? Fill out the form to download the e-book!